Part of preparing to live in a different area, in a different kind of house with completely different surroundings is trying to decide what you want. With the house we're now living in, it's not a difficult decision, you look at a few houses in the neighborhood you like and find one that's negotiable and BAM, you move. However, moving to the country is markedly different. There is no "neighborhood" with a nice selection of homes with floor plans already decided and yard size pretty much determined. In the country, we have to decide every single aspect of building a cabin. All I know is...I want it to be "classy-country." The picture of the kitchen below kind of shows what I have in mind.
I've already decided that our home in the country will have character that's beyond anything that can be purchased down the street and it will have special touches that can't be found at the local hardware store. Home Depot and Lowe's will be avoided as much as possible. I love these stores, but our cabin will be built with a different kind of approach. Whenever I can find odd, home-made, and country inspired items for our home, I'll be interested.
Well, I'll be interested as long as city prices are not attached.
For instance, I've seen incredible light fixtures made from old bottles. Now, that is an awesome way to let light into your home. I've seen horse-shoes as dishtowel holders, they have been sealed and protected from rust. And, I would love to have old-fashioned glass door knobs throughout our home. I grew up with those kind of doorknobs and they always seemed to be jewels. I certainly DON'T want any funky modern type of door knobs, not in this cabin.
Deputy Dave and I have both decided that we love the look of old-fashioned plain door casing instead of the wavy moulding of today's homes, such as the one I now live in. Yes, I do live in a beautiful home and I love my house. In fact, down the street, about six houses away, there's another home similar to mine with the same exact floorplan, but different color brick.
So, I want my cabin to be completely unique. Our cabin will reflect some old traditions in construction while embracing non-commercialized items. I want it to feel homey and unique. I want it to be our own little museum of life.
I think the old way of installing door casing and the wainscoting/bead board is just gorgeous. The taller doors are nice as well.
Deputy Dave holds my drink as I snap more pictures of the windows and doors we are admiring in a historical building. Love the window casing. Simple, yet elegant.
An old-fashioned decorative tin ceiling is full of texture and beauty. These have been making somewhat of a comeback, but I do like the mix of beams and tin ceiling. My husband also loves the tongue and groove natural wood ceilings. I like the tin ceilings mostly for the kitchen/dining area.
One of the most beautiful kitchens I've seen was on a site for Texas Hill Country. I'd want a couple of things changed for our own taste, but the overall style of this kitchen makes my heart go pitter-patter a tad faster!
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I love the beams, the flooring, the island that seats six, the awesome kitchen window, the counter-top windows, the lower cabinets are drawers, the vent-hood and EVERYTHING. |
I remind myself that these rules are good because we all must live so closely to each other in the city and we want our neighborhood values to be protected. I'm rather glad that the "Gothic" family around the corner is not allowed to paint their house black with red trim. Who would ever buy the house next door to them? So, the association rules for sardine packed neighborhoods do have a purpose. However, at our cabin, we will build a place that will not be typical of the cookie cutter style home. Thank the Lord!
Frankly, I am eagerly looking forward to building our cabin shell so we can finish it as we please. If it takes me one year to hunt down that perfect bathroom light fixture made by Billy Bob in his backyard wood shop, then so be it. If it takes us a year to find the "perfect" kitchen sink, then I will set up a wash tub outdoors for my dishes, and I will be happy. If I have to scour 30 different antique shops to find enough glass door knobs for our home, then I will be happy to scour.
As far as I'm concerned, the character of our home will be enhanced by following our beliefs that OLDER is often BETTER and more INTERESTING than newer, unless it's home-made. I fully love home-made products because they are usually of HIGHER QUALITY materials and better construction than flimsy commercially mass-produced items. Even better, with a home-made item, the creator's heart and soul often go into the item they've made with their own hands.
So, I will be on the lookout for original old stuff and hand-made things.
In other words, Billy Bob...I will find you.
Try the web site some of your wants ...handmade and old.
Also a blog about log cabin living....Building a Log Cabin .
She is in Michigan. B.
Something to consider about a tin ceiling in your kitchen: Our friends did this, and even though they are not fried-food people, they said the tin ceiling gets greasy (much like the top a refrigerator) and takes on a too-dull look. The whole family pitches in twice a year to set up ladders to "degrease" the ceiling with ammonia water. Not trying to rain on your parade at all, just thought you might like to know.
Also try architectural salvage companies. There's a couple in my area, and they're good for everything from old bathtubs, to light fixtures, to drawer pulls and door knobs. One of our local places even has seats from bleachers they pulled out of an old highschool. Fun stuff.
That's one thing we have never done is live in a neighborhood association.
Good luck building your home! I look forward to watching your posts. :)
Craigslist or freecycle web sites too. B
I do love the kitchen here, but I also have pictures of kitchens that are very rustic and I also love those, so I'm up in the air. At first, I didn't want any upper cupboards, I just wanted shelving, etc., but we'll see. We will definitely be on a retirement budget - tight.
I will definitely check out all of the recommendations above and I've also heard that the tin ceilings get residue easily --- I'm not sure why because...does this mean we're all getting this residue but the tin ceilings just show it more readily? And, I've seen some terrible installations, but this ceiling probably does look so good because it's older, has been caulked and painted.
Rae - there is an architectural salvage yard here in the Houston area and we visit it frequently. We always find very interesting things.
B -- I do think we're going to start searching Craigslist for things we need for the farm, that would be too expensive brand new. I'm learning about the POWER of CRAIGSLIST!!
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