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Deputy Dave with Henry, the fiance of our oldest daughter, Heather. He'd never fished ocean waters before today and I think he liked it. |
This weekend they fished near the Texas City Floodgates and Deputy Dave took some awesome shots of their adventure.
High tech glasses that manually adjust to the level of sun. |
Flounder! One of my most favorite fish! |
Redfish. |
And, Deputy Dave brought home to delicious beauties this weekend. I can hear the dinner bell ringing!
He catches the fish. He expertly cleans the fish and ends up with perfect fillets. He cooks delicious recipes. He is the Fish Master. Here we're having Trout and Flounder. |
I love these two guys.
My brother-in-law Kevin is a good man. He works at one of the petro-chemical plants in our area. Deputy Dave and him are close. |
I love that Deputy Dave comes home with the freshest fish imaginable, he cleans it and cooks it. I love cooking baked or fried fish, but he truly loves to cook, cook, and cook.
So, he made sauteed battered fish served with a caper butter sauce. With a bit of rice, we had a perfect meal (no veggies this time---the idea was to really focus on savoring the fish). I had two fillets of fish on my plate, one flounder fillet and the other trout. Each were mouth-watering. It's good that I rushed to take pictures of the food I was about to dig into because a few minutes later the entire plate was wiped clean. I made a happy plate, an ecstatic plate; every bite was consumed with me being in seafood heaven.
We can't hardly eat fish anywhere else because our home-cooked fish is always so very fresh. It's very difficult to compete with the high quality we get at home. The good thing is...when we are at an area restaurant, especially in Kemah, Texas, we are most assured to have the freshest available. If you ever come to the Houston area...you've got to go to the Kemah Boardwalk. Since we live so close to the bay, the fish (on ice) is sometimes alive when he gets home. Of course, it is a relatively short drive for him to get home with the fish, contributing to the freshness. You can't get fresher than this. I love that these guys actually fish for enjoyment AND to feed their families.
Nice Redfish. It was caught and released. Deputy Dave practices catch and release frequently. Otherwise, it's dinner. |
My question to Deputy Dave is: Can you guys go again next week?
Side topic...Okay...I got a haircut. It's been months and months since scissors have touched my hair. My curly hair was like a weed, growing fast and out of control. My regular hair-dresser was on vacation. For some reason, she felt the urge to hit Las Vegas, so I took one of her new gals. She gave me a layered cut, then decided to flat iron my curly hair to show me that it can be straight. I have a flat-iron and know how to use it, but I let her go crazy on me.
However, I think she soon regretted her decision because it took her a LONG time to straighten my hair because it is rebelliously curly. She worked so hard that she actually became overheated with beaded sweat dripping down the sides of her face; she had to take a break, then get a fan to blow on her while she finished the tedious task. I left the beauty shop with flat hair sticking to my head like strands of lifeless silk. I walked in the door to the house and it took hours for Deputy Dave to even make a comment about my hair because he doesn't like it straight. He kept dodging me, pretending he didn't see it, but it was clear that he was not pleased. He wasn't prepared to lie to me.
Regardless, I had fun for a day with it straight. Even so, it was TOO flat, so I went into the bathroom, sprayed it with hairspray and messed it up a little. Yes, I am a Texas gal. I was far from the Southern curse of "Big Hair," but I surely didn't want sleek, stick-to-my-head hair. I walked back out of the bathroom with my messed up hair and Stefie says, "Oh mom, I'm glad you did that; it's a lot better...I like it now."
Flat hair messed up. |
Before I went to Germany we were stationed at Langley AFB in Virginia. The base was right on the Chesapeake Bay. We used to crab and fish constantly. After GE I went to South Fla and continued my saltwater fishing ventures. I haven't picked up a pole in a very, very long time.
I only knew one of my Grandparents. The others met with a far too early grave. I was never afforded the opportunity to 'see' my Grandfathers, let alone, talk with them.
When my son asks for some stories I told him I'd try and remember. It's tough to think back all those years and come up with anything worthy.
What great pictures. I love to fish; I know they had a good time and food looks great.
Yummy! Nothing better than fresh fish. Neat pictures of their trip!
Your hair is beautiful, Lana!
Mike --- You should see our family when we took vacations, we always had a fishing pole with us and every body of water we passed, Deputy Dave would have to throw a line in. As for telling stories for the kids, I think the most simple memories are the sweetest. Sometimes you just want to feel connected to your history. I love my dad's stories.
Becky --- Thanks Becky. And it was awesome!
Paula --- Thanks for the hair compliment! It was curly within 24 hours. Sure is easier to not have to fight the curls!
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