Thursday, December 1, 2011

# 146 - Another Tighten It Up Thursday Update

Had to repost a correction with my math --- actually have lost more than I had figured out.

Well, I'm here to happily report that out of my 25 pound weight loss goal...I have now lost a whopping eight pounds! I'm so close to a ten pound loss that I can TASTE it!

Over the holiday gathering, my daughter Heather actually noticed my weight loss and made a nice comment. But, she's perceptive that way.

I've had a lack of appetite, so that definitely helps with the weight loss. But, I cannot believe that I actually lost weight over the Thanksgiving Holidays...this is probably a first for me.

If I keep going at this rate, then by Christmas I should be mighty close to that 25 pound weight loss goal. But, for today, since I have lost a solid eight pounds, I have 17 pounds more to meet my weight goal. But, having these several pounds gone do make a nice difference for me.

And what will I do once the 25 pounds is gone? Well, then I will start on my next lump goal of another loss of fifteen pounds. That should put me at a weight that will give me leeway and it will change my clothes sizes significantly. I'm sure those last fifteen pounds will be extremely stubborn to remove, but I am ready to take them on!

Taking off the weight slowly has been rather easy. I eat a variety of foods; I really do not deny myself, but I do watch the portion sizes. I figure, my frame is already petite, I just don't require that much food to keep going, so I better adapt to the proper nutritious intake required for my small-frame.

Little changes do indeed make big differences!


LindaG said...

Congratulations, Lana. That is fantastic!

Diane Barnard said...

Congratulations! You have inspired me to persevere in my weight loss goal. Like you, I am short with fine bones. I know the arthritis pain will not be so bad when I have shed 30 pounds.

Karen said...

Lana, it seems the weight you have lost has found a new home. Me. lol
You look fantastic-- good for you!

Suzanna said...

Keep going! you're doing great! slow and steady means that you'll be able to keep it off. :) I'm trying to lose too, you're motivating me. said...

Congratulations...that is awesome and motivating!!!

Dreaming said...

Like Karen, I have to say that I seem to have found your lost weight!
Congrats on losing weight. I hope I can say the same in a few weeks!

Lana said...

Thank you so much everyone!

My weight loss is coming off so very slowly, but I am now also trying to incorporate something new...when I am watching tv sometimes, for only 10-20 minutes per day, I am doing the easy verson of side leg lunges and butt squats (as if you are going to sit, but you raise back up and do it all over again) and these are truly helping my upper legs and glutes to gain some much needed strength. Oh, I have a LONG way to go, but each little step helps me get to the next. I may do the same thing for four week before moving on to the next step or trying something different...I'm a creature of habit, so this lunge thing is working for me right now. I also bend over and dangle so that I can stretch out a bit. Nothing fancy. Just doing SOMETHING to stretch my body in a new day, most every day, but none of this could be considered a work-out!

It's a very small beginning, nonetheless, it feels great just because I am doing it FOR ME and I'm watching my body slowly change. It just feels great to get a little bit of control over this part of my life back again and to know that I'm going to keep doing more to maintain growth in this area. I like it. I like feeling physically stronger with more stamina.

Thanks again everyone; I know you too can do whatever you desire. And finally, to summarize and wrap it's strange because I've not gone on some weird diet...but I am watching my portion control, most definitely, eating very slow to be conscious of every bite, drinking more water, and snacks are often yogurt EVEN with some candy mixed it (MM's). I just try to stay busy, extra cleaning projects in the house...a little more here a little more there....everything is adding to to take off weight on a creeping pace, but I'll take it!
