Friday, February 24, 2012

# 211 - "Turtleneck"

I guess the Reality show that my family will be seen on this summer is beginning to run promo. It appears that we are in these clips.

Heather saw the clip (included at the end of this post) as Randy was in Louisiana on television as a guest on a local morning talk show. Yes, he is as handsome and adorable in person as he is on television.

Heather and Henry standing outside the area we were to be
filming for "Randy to the Rescue" in Dallas, Texas.
If you'd like to see the clip with a very small portion of us in it, then check it out. But, don't blink!

You may have to pause it to catch us for more than half a second. We're about mid-way through the overall segment. Heather, when you first see her, has on a wedding dress...a dress she loved. Shortly after she is shown in a wedding dress, then Deputy Dave and I are sitting next to each other as he explains that he'd like her wedding dress to have a "Turtleneck."

In fact, the promo has the word "Turtleneck" in front of the screen as we are sitting there.

Heather begins to hang her head in frustration.

Heather and Stefie --- Sissy and Sissy helping each other out.
This clip shows us so quickly that we're almost a blur. Stefie isn't on this particular clip, but I'm sure more is to come.

I guess more will be coming since this show, "Randy to the Rescue" won't be airing until this summer sometime. I can only guess what else will show up on the promos, but the "Turtleneck" is a great portion of our challenges as a family to come to a cohesive agreement on a wedding dress.

Yes, we are a Southern family and opinions run high. In our culture, the wedding dress is mainly the Bride's decision, but it also is a definite consideration of the IMMEDIATE family as well. Fortunately, Randy helped our family get past our pre-conceived notions about wedding dresses and helped Heather to melt with delight over THE dress he had brought on his truck.

He did come to our rescue. I guess you all will see how bad it really had been, once it airs.

The cameras only caught us, as we are...we aren't the kind of people to be concerned about cameras too much, but we were concerned that Randy really do his job of helping the Bride so a dress could be found that makes everyone smile. It was a tall order, but he did it.

I am still in awe.


LindaG said...

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, Lana. ♥

Vickie said...

Watched the clip, Lana - you WILL let us know when it's going to air. I know my daughter is going to want to watch it, and I will, too! Never knew you had a celebrity in the family, did you?

Dreaming said...

It was fun to see the video clip. I can't wait to see the show!