Saturday, July 14, 2012

# 306 - Double-Yolked Fun

Double yolked eggs are a lot of fun. Hard boiling this egg, then splitting it open once it's cooked shows the two yolks very clearly. These are my favorite eggs to find in our backyard. Very interesting.

These double-yolk eggs are usually so large that their mass presses against the top of the egg carton. You definitely cannot set anything down on top of the egg carton with one of these stored inside because the pressure would unequally distribute onto the head of the double-yolk egg.

It took me about 43 years to see one of these up close and personal. I'd heard about them, but had never seen double yolks come out of one egg. I must say, the kid in me wanted to squeal a little and jump up and down.

Does having chickens ever get old?

No. Absolutely not.


Karen said...

Oh, I love double-yolkers. We don't get them very often, but when I hear a hen carrying on in the coop for a good ten minutes in a row, I know there will be a jumbo egg in one of the nest boxes. (Ouch, it must hurt to lay one of those babies!)

Anonymous said...

Although I'm a chicken-less chick!!! I go to the farm shop to buy free range eggs. I have had one double-yolker in all the 23 years I've been going. I made a lovely Victoria sponge cake with it Yummm... I would love to have chickens.

Texan said...

Chickens are fun for sure. :O). Double yolk eggs are always so fun to find! :O)

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I don't have chickens and grinned when I saw the double yolks too--Having chickens could never get old!!

Enjoy your Sunday!!

Vickie said...

I've bought double-yolkers from some of my farming friends, but haven't gotten any from my just-laying hens yet. I'll have to tell them that Lana's chickens are giving her double-yolkers and that they need to step up the pace!

TxFarmhouse said...

this is a first. I see double-yolkers often but I've never seen one hard-boiled! I probably would have destroyed it while peeling.

LindaG said...

Hopefully it won't be long before I can verify this for myself. ;o)
More than enough work for us to do in the house before we can think about livestock, though.
A blessed week to you all. ♥